Saturday, December 17, 2016

Q: Does Seeing Neil DeGrasse Tyson Speak Make Me The Smartest Snack Blogger Ever?

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     A: No, but I am anyway.
     This past Thursday was a wild day for me.  In the afternoon my office had a catered lunch with desserts, so naturally I had seconds.  Then at night I braved subzero (Fahrenheit) temperatures to see Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson speak.

     Let's start with the snacks.  They had sugar cookies, chocolate chip cookies, I think oatmeal raisins, and brownies.  Obviously I skipped the oatmeal raisins since I'm not a communist.  I went with the sugar cookie first- little mental trick, always start with your least favorite food and build up from there to improve your mood.  You're welcome.
     I've never been a big sugar cookie guy.  They're the Hershey Bar of cookies- yes they're good, but nothing special.  Well this one was the exception.  Soft, sweet, delicious, and fantastic.  I was blown away.  10/10.  Next was the chocolate chip.  Another high quality cookie.  Rich chocolate, soft cookie, and perfectly balanced.  Another 10/10.  Last we have the brownie, which suffers from following two 10s.  It was soft and fudgy but I can't, in good conscious, put this on the same level as the cookies.  9/10.  (Side note, I have no idea where they were catered from.  I thought I heard "Bagel Deli" but there's no company by that name.  Really kicking myself for this lack of journalism)
     That night was the NDT event.  The topic of the evening was "Delusions of Space Enthusiasts."  Here's an old Youtube video on the same subject.  I haven't watched the whole thing but I'm sure some of you will still enjoy it:
NDT's a great speaker and very informative (duh).  My favorite part of the night was discussing traveling to Mars.  That, and when he kicked Pluto while it was down.  (Look it up).  I give his speech a 9/10, needed more talk on how to fight off aliens when they inevitably invade us.  Otherwise it was pretty frickin sweet.

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